The Rav Rimon Library​

Individuals and communities from around the globe turn to Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon regarding complex questions in Halacha.
Rav Rimon’s Halachic responses and book series, “Halacha MiMekora, ” are pivotal in shaping the contemporary Jewish world.


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Rav Rimon began publishing his Halachic works in 5761 (2001), with the publication of his iconic “Shiurei Shevi’it,” on the laws of Shemita in the 21st century. 

After the resounding success of this first work of Halacha, Rav Rimon’s writings evolved into what became known as the “Halacha MiMekora Series.”

Rav Rimon’s revolutionary method of teaching and studying Halacha is changing the way Jews of all ages engage with Jewish texts.

Family & Youth Editions

The Halacha MiMekora Family & Youth editions follow Rav Rimon’s same fundamental approach of presenting Jewish law to the reader in a clear manner using graphics and charts, while also including vignettes and background information that make ancient ideas come to life for today’s young readers.

These editions are tailor-made for families and youth, incorporating real questions submitted by young readers, summaries, practical suggestions, as well as related philosophical points. These books can be used as a springboard for family discussions or to encourage “Chavruta” style study between parents and children.

The Halacha MiMekora Method

Each book in the Halacha MiMekora series is written using Rav Rimon’s unique method for the study and erudition of Halacha.

“Start from the Torah sources and gradually progress towards the practical application of contemporary Halacha.”

Rav Rimon developed a special methodology that takes the reader from the original Torah sources through successive generations of Halachic giants; from the Mishna, Gemara, Tanaim, Amoraim, Rishonim, Acharonim until the leading Poskim of Jewish Law in recent times.

The reader is invited to follow the logical evolution of varied opinions and to see how the Halachic thinking process takes place. 

Various methods of Psak (Halachic decisions) are presented, alongside the practical application of Halacha in our modern times.

What are the essential elements of the Halacha MiMekora method?

  • Start from the sources
  • “Lamdanut”fusing the study of Halacha with in-depth “Lamdanut” is a unique approach towards writing Halachic works. Primarily, there are Sefarim that cater towards in depth analysis of Talmud or the practical application of Halacha. By fusing these two crucial elements, Rav Rimon’s books are unique.
  • Clarity: presenting the Halachic topic in the clearest way possible
  • Summaries: every chapter includes a summary of the topic alongside a summary of the various approaches in the practical application of Halacha.
  • Flow charts: providing a visual study element that enhance the experience for every kind of learner.
  • Graphic design on the highest level: classic Halachic literature is often hard to read. Superior graphic design transforms the learning experience.
  • Biographies of the Poskim and Gedolei Yisrael: it is not enough to know the method or source, we must know who our Poskim were, where they were from, and what we can learn from them as individuals whose approaches guide our every day lives. These elements make the Halacha MiMekora series a respected source for both laymen and Torah scholars.
These elements make the Halacha MiMekora series a respected source for both laymen and Torah scholars.
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